Archive for August, 2008

Eureka Peak

Tuesday, August 19th, 2008

Hello everyone, after a long time without internet service, I am finally online again.  I am long overdue to post some pictures from a recent one-day hiking trip into the alpine with a local Naturalist group led by Juergen and Sue Hemphill from Horsefly, BC. It was a fabulous trip with the alpine flowers in full bloom.  There were 23 participants and even though we got rained on a little bit, it was still a very entertaining and enjoyable hike.  We left Horsefly at about 8:30 on Saturday, August 9, 2008 and got to the trail head leading up to Eureka Peak just before 10 am.   After a  few hours of hiking, we got up into the alpine meadows and enjoyed a nice lunch on a carpet of alpine flowers ranging in all different colors.  After lunch, everybody was free to explore the ridge heading off to the east for themselves.  We just made it back to the vehicles in time before thunderstorms rolled in, which lasted most of the night.   Below are just a few pictures of this spectacular day.  So long.  Florian

Morning Fog

Sunday, August 3rd, 2008

Finally I have had a chance to get out and take some more pictures.  It has been fairly busy the last few weeks and I haven’t been out nearly as much I as I would have liked.

An early morning fog created a wonderful mood and I especially liked how the hay bales in the field gently disappeared in the mist.  The weather turned about a week ago and we got the last hay baled up about an hour before the rain came.  Perfect timing!

I will add more pictures to the blog soon so be sure to check back from time to time.
