
During a short trip to Vancouver last week, I was able to get some new pictures that I would like to share with you in this post.  It’s always a bit of a shock for me going to the Lower Mainland since I am used to a somewhat more quiet and more remote environment. 🙂 However, there are lots of interesting subjects to focus on as well. I have always enjoyed city skylines at nighttime, especially with its reflection in a body of water close by.

Vancouver skyline from Stanley Park.

Vancouver skyline from Stanley Park.

Stanley Park provided me with a few images, both at night and during the day.

A gentle curve.

A gentle curving walkway.

I felt a black and white image would best bring out these shapes and shadows.

I felt a black and white image would best bring out these shapes and shadows.

Lions Gate Bridge from Stanley Park.

Lions Gate Bridge from Stanley Park.

Playing around with my flashlight and tripod, I was able to get the following image.

I like the way the sign pops out of the dark.

I like the way the sign pops out of the dark.

The fall colours also proved to be worth looking at.

Fall Colours in Sanley Park.

Fall colours in Stanley Park.

While driving down a side road, I noticed a semi which carried a load of construction material.  Who knew that sheetrock could be so interesting?

A load of sheetrock on a semi trailer.

A load of sheetrock on a semi trailer.

One of my stops included the Ethical Kitchen restaurant, where I have some of my framed images on display. The restaurant, which is located on 1600 McKay Road in North Vancouver, serves excellent organic food from local producers and is a great place to stop at for a healthy meal.

Ethical Kitchen in North Vancouver.

Ethical Kitchen in North Vancouver.

I hope you enjoyed this post.  Enjoy your fall season.  Until the next time.  Florian

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