Getting Married

Hello friends,

hopefully everyone is doing well. I think it is time to do another update, however, this time what I want to share with you is a little different in that these pictures are not taken by me but rather of me and my wife Stefanie.  That’s right, we had a beautiful ranch wedding here In Horsefly, BC with people coming from as far as Austria and Germany on September 19.  Yes, I know what you are thinking…September 19?  That was almost a month ago?!….and I do apologize but things have been busy.  All of the following pictures were taken by Robyn Louise Photography, specializing in wedding photography.  Thank you Robyn!

Stefanie and I obviously happy.

Stefanie and I obviously happy.

Anyways, those of you that are married are probably well aware of all the planning involved in getting a wedding organized.  As Stefanie was still working in Austria and didn’t arrive until just 3 weeks before the big day, most of the planning was all done via email and telephone.  I must say that was an experience in itself.  Stefanie and I decided to skip the catering and do it all ourselves instead.  Well, little needs to be said but without the generous help of so many friends, neighbours and family members, the wedding would have never turned out as well as it did.  So a big Thank You again to all of you who didn’t hesitate to help out in whatever way you could.

The weather not really cooperating during the ceremony.

The weather not really cooperating during the ceremony.

I think it’s safe to say that overall, everything turned out quite well, from the food to the happy smiles on everybody’s faces….except for one thing….the storm releasing buckets of water and hail like we hadn’t seen many of during the entire summer!  And the best part was, it only lasted for about an hour, right during the ceremony which took place out in the field a mile away from any shelter.  However, if the saying is right that rain on your wedding day will bring you good luck, we shouldn’t have to worry about anything for a while to come.  🙂  Afterwards, the sun came through for a short while and together with a fire helped to warm people up again.

Everyone anxiously awaits the arrival of the bride.

Everyone anxiously awaits the arrival of the bride.

We had fabulous food from homemade woodfire-baked bread to a full size pig roast and beer from Crannog Ales, a microbrewery selling organic beer.  That was just the beginning and I don’t think that anyone went home hungry.  As we didn’t want to run out of food, we erred on the side of caution and ended up eating left over salads for the next week or so.

Exchanging the rings.

Exchanging the rings.

The bouquet.

The bouquet.

The Horsefly Express.

The Horsefly Express.

A happy couple.

A happy couple.

If life will treat us as well as it did on this day, the future promises to be bright, joyful and prosperous.  Thank you to all those who helped us celebrate this very special moment in our lives.

The bride and groom.

The bride and groom.

Until the next time.  Florian and Stefanie

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